Description. The genus is hermaphroditic, having apetalous perfect flowers which are wind-pollinated. Elm leaves are alternate, with simple, single- or, most commonly, doubly serrate margins, usually asymmetric at the base and acuminate at the apex.The fruit is a round wind-dispersed samara flushed with chlorophyll, facilitating photosynthesis before the leaves emerge.
因此不論男女,若60歲以後有出現「壽眉」的話,是一種比較好的現象。 但是如果低於60歲就有個別、叢狀、或者束狀的眉毛,那麼建議要去給醫生做個檢查,可以早點治療、調養身體。 近眼眉和远眼眉:眉毛与眼睛的相距较近的人,做事较沉不住气,同时大多比较阴险,家庭中风波不断。